Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Leadership Agility Assessments

ChangeWise offers some great leadership development assessments. To learn more and to access the assessments, go to our Leadership Agility Assessments website.

These assessments include:

Leadership Agility 360

ChangeWise has partnered with Cambria Consulting, a leading talent development firm, to design and host the Leadership Agility 360, an innovative feedback-and-action-planning process based on the in-depth research underlying the Leadership Agility book. This process gives leaders a specific, actionable road-map for developing the mind-sets and skill-sets needed in today’s turbulent business environment. Learn more.

If you’re an internal HR, OD, or leadership development professional, or a line manager, you should know that ChangeWise provides coaching based on the Leadership Agility 360 as part of is leadership, team, and organization development services.  Contact us if you’d like to tap into our international network of seasoned, certified Leadership Agility 360 coaches.

Learn how to get certified to use this instrument. Register for a certification workshop.

Leadership Agility Accelerator

This online self-assessment and development tool doesn’t just help you assess your level of leadership agility. It also guides you choosing specific leadership agility practices designed to (a) take you to your next level of agility and (b) help you be more effective in accomplishing what you’re trying to do as a leader. Learn more.

Power Style Profile

The Leadership Agility book defines a “pivotal” conversation one where the parties have differing views and objectives, yet must align themselves to take action. Something that plays a critical role in whether or not a pivotal conversation goes well is the “power style” you use in working through differences. This 10-minute online self-assessment results in a report that describes your power style, highlights its pro’s and con’s, and provides tips for having more satisfying pivotal conversations. Learn more.