Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Virtual LEADERSHIP AGILITY™ Coaching Program

[Please note: This is not the LEADERSHIP AGILITY 360 Certification Workshop. For information on that workshop, click here].

The LEADERSHIP AGILITY Coaching Program takes place in a virtual format. The next program will run from Sept. 14 through Feb. 1, with a 2-week holiday break at the end of the year.

Download the brochure on this program, which provides more information, including various enrollment options.

International Coach Federation (ICF) CCEUs: 42

Why Leadership Agility Coaching?

Now more than ever, organizations in all sectors need a new kind of leadership. As a leadership coach, chances are you regularly scan the landscape for new ways to update your practice to help your clients develop new levels of effectiveness.

Our in-depth original research on leadership agility builds on the “vertical development” perspective pioneered by Bill Torbert, Bob Kegan, and others. It reveals that, as leaders grow, they evolve through “levels of agility” that correspond to well-established stages of adult development. As leaders develop through these levels, they become more agile: more strategic, collaborative, and creative, and more proactive in learning from their experience.

LEADERSHIP AGILITY Coaching is a highly interactive online program for experienced coaches. Through self-paced video learning, lively breakout exercises, and group discussion, you will learn how to integrate this sophisticated vertical development methodology into your practice.

Program Modules

This program includes three modules, each with its own set of short workshops. Each module is a prerequisite for the one after it. (To see options for “placing out” of certain workshops, scroll down).

Foundation Module – The Leadership Agility Lens

2 workshops, 10am-12:30pm US eastern time

  • Sept. 14:  Leadership Agility Model  Discuss the Leadership Agility model, participate in a robust conceptual/experiential “deep dive” exercise on agility levels, and discuss implications for coaching.
  • Sept. 21:  Diagnosing Leadership Agility Levels  Group exercise diagnosing clients’ “agility levels” and “power styles” using anonymous examples, how to use the Power Style Profile.

Methods Module

7 workshops, including  an Orientation Session, all 10am-12:30pm US eastern time

  • Oct. 5: Group Orientation 
  • Oct. 12:  Working with “Levels of Reflective Action”  Of all ingredients in the “secret sauce” of Leadership Agility Coaching, working with “levels of reflective action” is the most high-leverage. Large group discussions and break-out exercises on how to do this.
  • Oct. 19:  Stakeholder Agility—Expert to Achiever  Discussion of a real-life instructor case, but mostly coaching and feedback exercises working on this shift.
  • Oct. 26:  Stakeholder Agility—Achiever to Catalyst  Discussion of a real-life instructor case, but mostly coaching and feedback exercises working on this shift.
  • Nov. 2:  Context-Setting Agility  How to use specific questions to help leaders shift their context-setting from Expert to Achiever and then to Catalyst, when leading change or improving team performance. Coaching exercises and feedback.
  • Nov. 9:  Creative Agility  How to help leaders shift from Expert to Achiever and then to Catalyst in creative and analytical problem-solving. Coaching exercises and feedback using real-life teaching cases.
  • Nov. 16:  Self-Leadership Agility  How to facilitate self-leadership agility. Preparation for the Coaching Clinic.

Coaching Clinic Module

Participants each bring “learning cases” using a simple, 2-page template. Receive in-depth feedback and get ideas for how to use the Leadership Agility framework in challenging coaching situations.

7 workshops, including Capstone, 10am-noon US eastern time

  • Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 7, 14, Jan. 11, 18
  • Feb. 1: Capstone event (10am-1pm). We will reconnect, consolidate our collective learnings, and set our intentions for Leadership Agility coaching in the new year.

Program Facilitators

This program is led by ChangeWise principals, Bill Joiner and Debra Whitestone. Bill is a global thought-leader and lead author of Leadership Agility. Both have decades-long backgrounds as leadership coaches and organization development consultants, as well as doctorates from Harvard University. They have taught this program, in a variety of formats, many times.


Note: After the Foundations Module, each module has as its prerequisite the previous module.

There are two early bird deadlines: One for posting payment by June 11 and another for posting payment by August 20. (See below).

Modules Sessions Pay by June 11 Pay by Aug. 20 Full Price
I. Foundations 2 $420 $450 $500
II. Methods 7 $1275 $1350 $1500
III. Clinic 7 $980 $1035 $1150
Full Program 16 $2,680 $2,835 $3,150

Option for the First Foundation Session

Those who’ve attended Leadership Agility 360 Workshop within the past 4 years, and/or frequently use the Leadership Agility framework in their coaching practice, do not need to attend the first Foundation session (Sept. 14), though we encourage you to attend. If approved for “placing out” of the first session, your fee for the Foundations portion is reduced to $250 (full price), to $210 with payment posted by June 11, and $225 for payment posted by July 30.

Download the brochure.

How to register

Please fill out the registration form below. In the first field, tell us which module(s) you’d like to attend. In the second field, tell us whether or not you plan to attend the first Foundation workshop.


Registration Choices
  1. (required)
  2. (required)
Your Information
  1. (required)
  2. (required)
  3. (valid email required)
  4. (required)
  5. (required)
  6. (required)
  7. (required)
  8. (required)
  9. (required)
Coaching Background
  1. (required)
  2. (required)


If you have questions about this program, contact Debbie Whitestone