Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Leadership Development

Whether you’re looking for a way to increase the effectiveness of your leaders, develop your high-potential managers, or transform your organization’s leadership culture, we have a variety of proven methods, based on extensive experience and research, that will help your leaders develop the mind-sets and skill-sets they need for today’s complex, rapidly changing business environment:

Leadership agility is the ability to lead effectively amid conditions of rapid change and complexity.  The LA360 is an online instrument that assesses an individual’s level of agility in three key leadership contexts: leading organizational change, improving team performance, and engaging in pivotal conversations.

Leadership coaching by ChangeWise principles and/or members of our broad network of seasoned coaches, trained in the use of Leadership Agility’s developmental framework.

  • Action-learning style workshops that foster increased leadership agility:

The Agile Change Leaders Lab

A practical, hands-on workshop where participants apply the principles of highly agile leadership to a real-life organizational change initiative of their choice. Through group exercises, peer coaching, and individual reflection, they learn to increase their own level of context-setting, stakeholder, creative, and self-leadership agility.

The Pivotal Conversations Learning Lab

A training and coaching process for learning sophisticated skills that can radically enhance pivotal conversations, transforming cross-boundary disconnects into dialogs that lead to creative solutions and improved business results.

The Organization Workshop

A highly-interactive, simulation-based workshop where participants learn about the invisible systemic “power dynamics” that influence relationships between tops, middles, and bottoms in the organizational structure, and between customers and suppliers. Most importantly, they learn how to transform dis-empowering dynamics into mutually empowering ones.

Coaching Skills for Leaders

An experiential workshop that gives managers the skills they need to coach others to develop as leaders and improve business results.

Leadership development programs that combine 360-degree feedback, coaching, workshops, learning teams (facilitated peer coaching groups), and projects focused on business results.