Bill Joiner’s Leadership Agility Blog
Continued writing with occasional podcasts on Leadership Agility, the research-based book on stages of personal and leadership development. This blog captures and extends the book's key ideas; shares new insights, research, and applications from client work. Comments welcome! You can also follow Bill on Twitter: @leaderagilityLeadership Agility in the UK
January 28, 2007 by Bill Joiner
Filed under The Book's Journey
This month saw the publication of our article, “Developing Agile Leaders” in the UK journal, Industrial and Commercial Training. Some excerpts from the article abstract: Design/methodology/approach – The study on which this article is based included a total of 604 subjects. Of these, 384 were participants in previous research studies that identified each manager’s “stage […]
Organizational Agility
January 27, 2007 by Bill Joiner
Filed under Roots of Leadership Agility
Organization design experts first used the term agile in the early nineties to describe manufacturing firms that adapted quickly to changing customer needs. (See Agile Manufacturing by Kidd, Pathways to Agility by Oleson, Response-Ability: The language, structure, and culture of the agile enterprise, and Transitioning to Agility by Gunneson). By the end of the millennium, […]
Meditation and Leadership
January 21, 2007 by Bill Joiner
Filed under Research on Agility
Why would the Wall Street Journal do a major article on meditation and the brain? (January 19, 2007, pp. B1-B2). Maybe Sharon Begley, the article’s author, intuited a connection between meditation and leadership similar to the one we found in our research. We found that managers develop mastery of leadership agility by moving through a […]
The Agility Imperative
January 14, 2007 by Bill Joiner
Filed under Roots of Leadership Agility
What are the primary trends impacting your organization? What are the primary trends in your industry? Even if your company’s customers are local or regional, chances are that key trends impacting your business derive from the dynamics of the global economy. If you ask what all the trends affecting your company have in common, you’re […]
One of the Best 10 Leadership Books of 2006
January 2, 2007 by Bill Joiner
Filed under The Book's Journey
Happy new year, everyone! One thing we’re happy about is the fact that Leadership Agility was named by LeadershipNow as one of the 10 best leadership books of 2006. (For more on LeadershipNow, see my Dec. 6 post). In my opinion, two other books named among these ten are particularly worth noting: A Leader’s Legacy […]